The AKP Foundation
On 8th day of August year 1973, the celebration of the Feast Day of St. Dominic, patron saint of the University of Santo Tomas, Espana St., Manila, Philippines sixteen young, all-male, energetic and ambitious freshmen and sophomore students of the University, sharing the same interest, dreams and ambitions, formed their own kind of fraternal organization - the ALPHA KAPPA RHO Fraternity. This was during the tumultuous early years of the martial rule in the Philippines. However the time was then, these young men guided by the Almighty, bonded themselves together as one.
Our group was formed out of necessity since all that time, as it is now, members of other fraternities in the AB-Commerce building of University of Santo Tomas, would recruit potential neophytes to join their ranks. But since this new grouping, who’s for the boys in Metro Manila were themselves already in a band in the campus, and in order to ward-off the pesky recruiters who could not wait to lay their hands on them, they thought - why not form their own?
Lead by Bro "Boy" Chua, whose idea was it to form their own brand of fraternity, and with Bro Noli Manalo, Bro Roger Sarmiento, Bro Teddy Aves, Bro Philip Balange, Bro Tanny Bernabe, Bro James Bracewell, Bro Monchet Cabrera, Bro Philip Diman, Bro Renato Go, Bro Teddy De Lara, Bro Arnel (Lim) Lorenzo, Bro Vismark Quequep, Bro Edwin Solano, Bro Ronnie Leuterio and Brod Gil Villegas, they founded the ALPHA KAPPA RHO Fraternity or AKRHO. Thus, the seed of the organisation was planted and soon after the birth of ALPHA KAPPA RHO came to be.
Happy times and good times followed out to this AKRHO barkadahan. However, what started out as a cluster of young students out to have a good education while having fun inside the University campus began to take seriously their being members of this new group. Little did our Founding Fathers realised that they were already creating ripples of anxiety with other fraternities for grabbing attention for themselves inside the school.
It happened that our founders themselves were likewise starting to recruit young members to join their own rank. Tensions rose within University of Santo Tomas campus among fraternities with our presence. Inevitably, we had to show true grit during heightened emotions, even when others tried vainly to erase the name ALPHA KAPP RHO in the face of the earth. Our growing young fraternity then stood their ground and faced adversities with much courage, vigor and fortitude, in defense of, and for the protection of its existence.
The collective unanimity among our founding members to pursue with firmness the existence of ALPHA KAPPA RHO became very clear. Soon after, under the guidance of the Founding ALPHA KAPPA RHO brods, the ALPHA KAPPA RHO Sorority was likewise established. With smart and friendly Sister such as Sis Marissa Cumuyog, the late Sis Jayjay Aquino, Sis Alda Altiveros, Sis Girlie Tesoro, Sis Grace Mendoza, Sis Jay Mercado and Sis Irene Ileto, they formed the first Sorority Members of the ALPHA KAPPA RHO in University of Santo Tomas.
In so short a time, the small group developed into a strong force-in character and spirit, as well as in great number. Its popularity grew by leaps and bounds! More Collegiate Chapters were formed in different Universities and Colleges in Metro Manila, and over the years spread as well to all parts of the Philippines. Later, Junior and Community Chapters were likewise established and became part of the ALPHA KAPPA RHO family. Bro Jun Pasaporte (deceased) and Bro William Ho founded the Junior ALPHA KAPPA RHO at the University of the East.
In addition to the adaption of the ALPHA KAPPA RHO Sorority, other fraternities and sororities with the same thoughts and feelings as that of the ALPHA KAPPA RHO at that time merged with it. From these mergers evolved one practice which becomes the hallmark of our group.
For one, the noble, the traditional hand mark and its handclasp was a covenant agreed by our foreleaders from both ALPHA KAPPA RHO and the Omega Fraternity and Sorority, Inc. Reresented by our OFSI Bros from San Sebastian College, Bro Alex Ramirez, Bro Dennie Ravarra, Bro Alex Mangubat, to name a few, and together with the Officers of the founding Members and the Officers of ALPHA KAPPA RHO, they signed pledge for and in behalf of each other’s group. This merge which happened in September 1976 at Rancho, Marikina (then a municipality) was momentous for to this day we carry in our hands the mark of synthesis, the handclasp that set a strong bond and true unity under one name, the ALPHA KAPPA RHO.
And on August 8, 2008, the 35th Anniversary of ALPHA KAPPA RHO, the first National Convention was conducted; Brothers and Sisters from all over the Philippines meet and elected the rightful Officers from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Thus the first National Council was established.
The AKRHO or the SKEPTRON SOCIETY as it is likewise known has always been and always will be an organisation steeped in the tradition of the past-free expression, fun loving, seek for the truth, unity, loyalty, respect, the pursuit of true Brotherhood and Sisterhood. The Organisation is made up of men and women from diverse cultural, social, religious, political backgrounds and interest. It has spread through-out the archipelago and all over the world and has now become better known as the ALPHA KAPPA RHO International Humanitarian Service Fraternity and Sorority.
The Skeptron´s Creed
The true Skeptron believes that there is such thing as truth, and that in can best be determined in a free and open contest for the allegiance of men's minds.
The true Skeptron believes while the people may not always be right, they are usually right and that in the end, if the people are given free rein to choose and to select, righteousness, truth, and justice will prevail.
The true Skeptron concedes that he may be wrong, but will fight like fury to prove that he is not wrong.
The true Skeptron believes in progress toward the goal of peace, justice, and freedom. He believes in the greatest good for the greatest number. He believes that men can be led to happiness and to prosperity, but neither terrorized nor driven toward these goals.
The true Skeptron believes in reason and enlightenment rather than in fear or superstition; in judgment rather than in passion; in debate rather than in intrigue.
The true Skeptron believes that the poor must not be oppressed nor must the rich be persecuted. Products for social usefulness rather than for selfish profit are his Creed. Each man should be paid in accordance with his contribution; but each is entitled to a decent livelihood. Each man, woman, and child must have equal opportunity to succeed in life, regardless of sex, or of the social and economic status of his parents.
The true Skeptron does not believe that the common masses should be condemned to a life of poverty or suffering, or that he grants that any of us is endowed by the Creator with superior rights to rule of to prevail. He does not believe that one class be ruled. He believes that one class should rule and another class be ruled.
The true Skeptron believes that government should represent all the people; that while the majority should prevail, the rights of the minority must at all costs be defended. The minority today may be the majority of tomorrow. Skeptrons must tear any insipient stratification of society. There must be no aristocracy of wealth, no being to privilege born.
The true Skeptron is the art of government. It is the art of getting things done by effective leadership and by effective appeal to the people to follow responsible leadership. That is the right kind of being Skeptrons. It is also right that there be an honest, above-board, and straight-forward organization which maintains its integrity by being at all times responsive and responsible to the popular will.
The true Skeptron maintains his inner strength by organic unity. He maintains his power by carrying out the wishes of his fraternity. He must overcome all forces of reaction that continuously obstruct his progress in every direction. His allegiance to Alpha Kappa Rho must first of all to principles, and second, to the men and women who personify those principles. He must build his fraternity around ideas rather than around men.
The true Skeptron stands for Truth. Skeptrons must lead through advocacy of ideas and integrity of character; for no Skeptron is great or good enough to hold a mortgage on other people’s mind, to think for them and decide what is best for them.
Our Mission and Vision
This is created purely for AKP business, your main source of information for all AKP matters, project and activities, memorandum, directives, media promotions and campaign, open discussions on all issues and concern with us as administrators of this group will act as mediators for a free democratic AKP.
Alpha Kappa Rho Doctrine
A-Alive we shall keep the burning fire of our Brotherhood.
L-Love shall be our strength.
P-Power we shall posses.
H-Honor shall we give to our fraternity.
A-Allegiance we shall pledge.
K-Keep & preserve the good name of our fraternity.
A-Always we must defend the good name of our fraternity.
P-Powerful & influential we shall be.
P-Purity is our policy.
A-Aid & assistance we shall give to our brotherhood & sisterhood.
R-Reputation we promise to keep unstained.
H-Humane & humble we shall be.
O-Onwards to success, until our struggle & strength be crowned with victory & glory.
Our Service Principle
1. Service to God
2. Service to Country
3. Service to Family
4. Service to School
5. Service to AKP
Our Rules and Guidelines
1. Your profile information: Your personal information, real name with or without your alias and your own I.D. photo profile.
2. We are govern by our AKP-CBL.
3. Always observe respect and humbleness to fellow Skeptron.
4. We do not allow photo and video pornography posting.
5. No bullying and calling names on open discussions.
The Skeptron´s Way of Life
S – Secrecy I shall uphold
in heart and impart in mind
I will conceal nor ever will I utter or say a word concerning the secrets of this organisation to whoever it may be, no matter if placed in the most crucial, toughest, and tightest of any circumstance or situation possible that will or which may disclose or expose the secrets and traditions of this organisation that only members should be knowledgeable about.
K – Knowledge in life shall I have and amongst my brethren I shall speak
An intelligent being as I am, I will always aspire or aim to gain and share the knowledge of life’s teachings important to men. These are lessons on family, values, of interpersonal relationships, corporate works, service, faith, fraternity and all other facts or information of life that I believe is indeed valuable or important for my brethren and for any person to grow as strong, productive, steadfast or committed, equipped and competitive individuals who can fearlessly face and undertake adversities that hinder the path to understanding and believing that triumph is always achievable and failure is just masked or disguised as a stepping stone to ones success.
E – Excellence I shall seek
and excellence I shall achieve
I will always strive to do extremely well with the use of the utmost or highest of my abilities and learning’s with God as the source of my strength and motivation in my field of work or in the academe. This will arm and gear me as an individual to serve my country, community, fraternity, and my brethren with superiority and excellence. As for my personal life, I will at all times be an epitome or an embodiment of a responsible and an affectionate child to my mother and father, supportive and compassionate to my brothers, sisters and friends; a responsible and a doting parent to my children, and an adoration and inspiration to my partner.
P – Precedence I shall pledge
to this organisation in conformity
to the duties of my hierarchy. I will at all times give preference or priority to this organisation through compliance, submission, obedience, respect and devotion or commitment to the hierarchy of my duties in which I will faithfully perform. Hence, I will never ever use the hierarchy of my duties as a reason or cause to plea or to excuse myself from my obligations in this organisation.
T – Trust I shall offer
and truth shall I receive
from my brethren and this organisation
I will never ever delude, mislead, deceive, betray, misinform, cheat or lie to my brothers and sisters and to this organisation for I am aware and I do strongly deem or consider that my brethren and this organisation believe, rely, depend or expect in me to be true and apt or right with my words and actions for they have placed their faith and conviction or sincerity in me as I have with them.
R – Righteous my actions shall forever be
I will always be conscious, mindful or aware of what I do and what I say. It must for ever and a day be decent and virtuous or respectable, honest, moral, honourable and just, worthy to be pondered or thought of , thus worthy to be followed after, for my actions and my words are reflective of how I was and am moulded to be, thus I will at all times learn by heart that who I am and what I am now is a perfect and clear personification of my company and my affiliation or association to this organization which I pledged and submit myself within.
O – Oath of my allegiance
to this organisation I shall live
as oath to my life I will earnestly infuse or impart in heart, mind or spirit that I have vowed or pledged my loyalty, commitment or duty to this organisation and forever I will sincerely and faithfully carry this oath for as long as I live for I am aware and I do firmly believe that once I become a SKEPTRON, I will always and forever be a SKEPTRON.
N – Nurture with respect
and never shall I allow
maltreatment to this organisation
and my brethren I will constantly,
continuously or permanently protect or defend my brothers and sisters from injustice, degradation, humiliation, dilapidation, mortification, deprivation, infamy, abomination, atrocity or misery brought about by oppressors, adversaries and perpetrators. Wisdom, goodwill, justice and serenity l will position myself primarily. Adamant or unyielding strength and fortitude will be my ultimate recourse.